WTMS Operator Modules: Clips
Watch the following clips to get an overview of what’s in each Operator module.

Module 3 targets your company’s Improvement Infrastructure, a platform that makes sure your visual conversion gets off to a strong start.
First your associates learn about the three big-picture outcomes that WTMS creates. Then they consider the two management pillars that support the conversion: a) the company’s official Improvement Time Policy; and b) the Accountability Team that handles key behind-the-scenes preparation for—and support of—operator-led visuality.
After that, your teams learn about five implementation tools they use that keep the visual momentum going and growing: Vision Place, Visual Workplace Action Hit List, Visual Workplace Supplies, the Visual Workplace Blitz, and the Laminated Map. This implementation tool box is described in detail so you and your associates can begin to put it in place.

associates—instructing, coaching, and guiding us through a visual conversion.”
VP, Business Transformation, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center