Ep 48. You Go First: Ideas, Tolerance, and i-Driven Visuality
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
Where is the “we” in visuality’s first driving question “What Do I Need to Know?” Where are the teams? This week, Gwendolyn Galsworth discloses the genius of visuality’s second driving question, “What Do I Need to Share,” revealing the power of the Work That Makes Sense methodology to inspire, inform, connect, engage, and align.
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WTMS is a new way of thinking and performing for operators. Listen as Galsworth shares her “You Go First” protocol that shifts operators into tolerance when patience is too far to reach. Fears about associate-led change can trigger a lot of commotion in executives as they face their company’s true work culture—even as i-driven visuality helps those same associates cultivate courage, curiosity, and discovery. The benefits can be enormous. In one company, 200 i-driven operators freed up a mere five minutes/day by eliminating info deficits through visual thinking. The multiplied impact? The liberation of 31,890 work hours in one year. Let the workplace speak!
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