Ep 32. X-Type Matrix: Strategic Goals into Tactical Projects
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
Why do some executives shake their heads in disgust at mention of the X-Type Matrix—while other sing its praises and credit it for not just saving their company but their jobs.
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The answer to the first: They were taught incorrectly and badly. The answer to the second: They were taught well. The X-Type Matrix is a single-author tool that allows the visual executive (YOU!) to translate, align, and integrate your company’s vision, mission, and strategy into actionable, cross-functional goals, and projects. Listen this week as Gwendolyn Galsworth, visual expert and your host, defines the X-Type Matrix in detail and explains: a) how a leader develops it; and 2) how that same leader deploys it through others. Once in place, the X-Type connects with the projects, targets, outcomes, and resources required to achieve coveted enterprise outcomes. It is your annual plan on a single page—precise, actionable, and exciting. Yes, there are mistakes to avoid and victories to win. Tune in/Learn more.
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