Ep 25. Visual Management: What It Is Not
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
Did you know: visual management (VM) is only a subset of the visual workplace? Did you know there are seven other key categories of visual function?
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Though VM is important (especially to managers and executives), it contributes only about 10% benefit to your bottom line and work culture. Join us this week as your host and visual expert, Gwendolyn Galsworth, defines VM and its over arching goal: to clarify, connect and align operational results with the corporate intent through an array of highly visible (but flat) 2D formats charts, graphs, LCD monitors, KPI dashboards, etc. But VM only shows the results of behavior. It does not create behavior. It does not imbed it. It is limited and over estimated. It cannot replace the other visual functions it is only one of them. Expand your thinking expand your language. Realize the full benefit the visual workplace can contribute to your bottom line and to growing a spirited and engaged work culture. Understand what visual management is not.
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