Ep 58. Supervisors & Your Visual Workplace Training Success!
Posted by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth |
How do supervisors contribute to a successful visual workplace conversion? After a review of the principles to date (plus a newly-added discussion of discovery teaching/discovery learning), your host and visual expert, Gwendolyn Galsworth, details the remaining principles for an effective Work That Makes Sense Training.
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The focus? The crucial role supervisors play—which may not be what you or they expect. Yes, everyone knows it is vital for supervisors/managers to get on board. But in the WTMS process, their job is to strengthen i-driven visuality in associates by: a) keeping a low profile; b) not pushing/supervising in training sessions; and c) not “making” the change happen. Instead, a supervisor seeks to build the confidence, skill and spirited contribution of area employees as they visually convert the work areas. The focus is on ownership, self-leadership, and self-accountability. That’s how your supervisors contribute to your WTMS success and long life. Let the workplace speak.
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